ChatGPT Resume parser

- Get token from your profile page.

1) cURL request:

                                        # cURL request
                                        curl -X POST "" \
                                            -H "Authorization: YOUR_TOKEN" \
                                            -F "chatgpt_resume=@YOUR_FILE_PATH"

2) Postman collection request:

- Please download the Postman collection JSON file from the link below:

Import postman request json file step-by-step guide:

Step 1: Open the Postman application, click on the "File" option (top left), and select the "Import" option.

Step 2: A file upload dialog will open to import the JSON file. Select the Postman-request JSON file.

Step 3: Postman will display the collection of requests named “Docsaar API” from the JSON file under the "Collections" tab on the left sidebar.

Step 4: Click on the request you want to edit, and the request details will open in the main Postman window.

Step 5: Click on the "Headers" tab and add your API key in the "Authorization" field instead of "YOUR_TOKEN".

- Visit the Profile page - Docsaar website, and at the end of the page under the “API Credentials” section, you will find the API key for your Docsaar account.

Step 6: Click on the "Body" tab and upload your PDF file from your local machine in the "chatgpt_resume" field or "chatgpt_invoice_image_file" field instead of "YOUR_FILE_PATH".

3) Python request:

- Create JSON like this:

To send input file and header to send your token

                                       # For sending file
                                            'chatgpt_resume': open("INPUT_FILE_PATH", 'rb')
                                        # Header to send token
                                            'Authorization': 'YOUR_TOKEN'
                                       #Make sure file path is correct

- Send this file and token to "".

- Example python request

                                        import requests
                                        files = {'chatgpt_resume': open("YOUR_FILE_PATH", 'rb')}
                                        headers = {'Authorization': 'YOUR_TOKEN'}
                                        response = requests.request(
                                                url= "",
                                                files = files

- You get output in JSON format like this:

                                        #For success:
                                            "status" : "success",
                                            "output" : "GENERATED_OUTPUT"
                                        #For failure:
                                            "status" : "fail",
                                            "output" : "ERROR_DISCRIPTION"

ChatGPT Invoice Parser

- Get token from your profile page.

1) cURL request:

                                        # cURL request
                                        curl -X POST "" \
                                            -H "Authorization: YOUR_TOKEN" \
                                            -F "chatgpt_invoice_image_file=@YOUR_FILE_PATH"

2) Postman collection request:

- Please download the Postman collection JSON file from the link below:

Import postman request json file step-by-step guide:

Step 1: Open the Postman application, click on the "File" option (top left), and select the "Import" option.

Step 2: A file upload dialog will open to import the JSON file. Select the Postman-request JSON file.

Step 3: Postman will display the collection of requests named “Docsaar API” from the JSON file under the "Collections" tab on the left sidebar.

Step 4: Click on the request you want to edit, and the request details will open in the main Postman window.

Step 5: Click on the "Headers" tab and add your API key in the "Authorization" field instead of "YOUR_TOKEN".

- Visit the Profile page - Docsaar website, and at the end of the page under the “API Credentials” section, you will find the API key for your Docsaar account.

Step 6: Click on the "Body" tab and upload your PDF file from your local machine in the "chatgpt_resume" field or "chatgpt_invoice_image_file" field instead of "YOUR_FILE_PATH".

3) Python request:

- Create JSON like this:

To send input file and header to send your token

                                       # For sending file
                                            'chatgpt_invoice_image_file': open("INPUT_FILE_PATH", 'rb')
                                        # Header to send token
                                            'Authorization': 'YOUR_TOKEN'
                                       #Make sure file path is correct

- Send this file and token to "".

- Example python request

                                        import requests
                                        files = {'chatgpt_invoice_image_file': open("YOUR_FILE_PATH", 'rb')}
                                        headers = {'Authorization': 'YOUR_TOKEN'}
                                        response = requests.request(
                                                url= "",
                                                files = files

- You get output in JSON format like this:

                                        #For success:
                                            "status" : "success",
                                            "output" : "GENERATED_OUTPUT"
                                        #For failure:
                                            "status" : "fail",
                                            "output" : "ERROR_DISCRIPTION"